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Subject: Diversify and Comply or Your Business Could Die
Well, that sounded poetic…
BUT ALSO pretty drastic, and to be honest I don’t know where our industry is heading in 2019.
One thing I do know is we should all be spreading our business across as many different payment platforms as possible, so if the ban hammer does strike we can still do business online.
Those are John Thornhill’s words – but I believe many of us involved in online marketing are saying the same thing.
It now seems a daily occurrence to see another marketer posting that his PayPal account has been CLOSED.
So it’s no wonder that when John posted about this launch, the comment threads went crazy in anticipation!
And to be frank, I’m glad he’s created this, because we all get comfortable listing on the platforms we’re used to, so for the price of this step by step course, it makes sense to grab it, follow it, and diversify our incomes.
Check the page for more reasons why this is a fantastic idea:
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Subject: We’re talking Eggs & Baskets! (Thanks Mom)
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!
Is that something Your Mom used to say?
(If so you should be calling and thanking her for some sound advice!)
Hey – If you’ve been on any social media platform lately, You must be aware that a heck of a lot of marketers have had their business closed by the recent PayPal shutdowns!
And yet – Some marketers carry on as normal and it doesn’t worry them at all!
Why is that?
Because they listened to their Mothers and didn’t have All their Eggs in one basket!
They diversified their income across multiple platforms, and now you can too.
With the release of John Thornhill’s CBSuperStar, You too could follow along and see how simple, easy and beneficial it is, to add your products to ClickBank.
Why Use ClickBank?
Long Established Company With Huge Affiliate Network
Weekly Payouts Like ClockWork
All Taxes and Affiliate Payouts Taken Care of
No PayPal Hassles, Plus You Can Still Accept PayPal
Trusted by Affiliates as They Know They Will Get Paid
One Click Upsells, Coupon Codes, JV Contracts, Customer Hard Coding and More
Custom Commissions Including The Ability to Pay 100% Commissions
All the benefits, but no risk to your PayPal, as you’re paid directly to your bank account!
(AND with their approval process – You know you’ll legally compliant too!)
Take a look at what John provides in CBSuperStar:
And why he is ‘More Than Qualified’ to teach you today.
You’ll be glad you did.
(And your Mom will be pleased you listened ;))
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Subject: Jurassic Marketing… Return of the Dino’s
No, it’s not the latest ‘technique’ in marketing…
It’s the RETURN of the Dinosaurs – The Big Beasts who Dominated the world of IM for many many years.
Until the modern era demanded INSTANT payments!
Listen, I don’t even know if you’ve heard of ClickBank?
If not – They were and still are one of the BIGGEST Marketing platforms around, with more affiliate and vendors that most.
The downside was people didn’t want to wait a week or two to be paid.
Well with the recent changes to rules/laws/terms of service, and frankly who knows what?
We’ve seen a heck of a lot of marketers getting their PayPal accounts closed.
Leaving them completely STUCK, and their businesses grinding to a Sharp and Sudden HALT!
But not the Dinosaurs of Marketing!
Nope – it’s like the return of the Jurassic age at the moment.
The guys STILL making daily sales – are the ones who kept their diversity of platforms.
And hence were able to switch from instant payment to weekly payments that don’t risk their PayPal accounts.
By using the beast of a platform that is ClickBank!
And the good news is…
For those who weren’t around back in the day, we still have experts like John Thornhill who never stopped using ClickBank.
Yes he added other platforms to diversify, but he maintained a strong and stable connection with ClickBank, and he can show you how to do the same.
ClickBank Superstar is his new Step By Step course, that will show even todays ‘hatchling juveniles’ – How they too can maintain their income in these ‘meteoric times’!
Here’s What You Will Discover With ClickBank Superstar
Full Step-By-Step walkthrough videos that show you how to get listed on ClickBank and start making sales in the fastest time possible
Advanced tutorials that show how to get the most from ClickBank including using coupons, paying 100% commissions and setting up JV contracts
Detailed checklists that you can refer to so nothing is overlooked
All of the legal requirements that you need to add to your pages to become compliant
All of the coding required to activate one click upsells and other features
Plus Much Much More
Check it out today, and ensure you don’t go the way of the original Dinosaurs 🙂
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Subject: When Grandpa knows best…
John Thornhill might not like me calling him a Grandpa?
But he is in TWO Ways!
1- He actually is (the sons he quit work to spend more time with and started making money online back in the early 2000s, to watch them grow, have grown, and John is now a grandpa!)
2 – He’s also a Grandpa in internet terms, having been online so long, that he has products for sale on MULTIPLE platforms!
Why am I telling you this?
When things go wrong online, as they do in real life, we often then think… What would Grandpa say/do?
So when the recent PayPal closures started wrecking so many marketers businesses,
They turned to someone who is still banking weekly cash and asked him how!
And because of all the questions. comments, and general panic in our industry…
John has created a brand new Step By Step course
(Something the old man has always been famous for as well as thanked for!)
CB SuperStar:
While others form support groups so they can share their various schemes to get around, find loopholes, or break more terms by adding bits, delaying others, and hoping they wont get caught out…
John just created a simple to follow course on how to ensure you’re legally compliant and making the best use of one of the worlds largest affiliate platforms.
Check the page for a full list of benefits:
Subject: So Many Are Migrating To Clickbank – WHY?
I’m sure you’ve noticed on social media that a heck of a lot of marketers are talking about getting their products on, and promoting affiliate offers from = CLICKBANK!
Were you wondering why (other than the risk to their PayPal accounts in the current closure climate)
Why Use ClickBank?
Long Established Company With Huge Affiliate Network
Weekly Payouts Like ClockWork
All Taxes and Affiliate Payouts Taken Care of
No PayPal Hassles, Plus You Can Still Accept PayPal
Trusted by Affiliates as They Know They Will Get Paid
One Click Upsells, Coupon Codes, JV Contracts, Customer Hard Coding and More
Custom Commissions Including The Ability to Pay 100% Commissions
Sounds good – But how do you list a product on ClickBank, and what about their strict approval process where a person actually checks the sales pages etc.?
The answers are all inside ClickBank Superstar:
Take a look, it’s been created by a very well respected marketer who uses multiple platforms, and just happens to be an expert on ClickBank.
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(Check it now – you won’t believe the price for this in-demand product!)
Subject: What’s inside ClickBank Superstar?
Some of you asked what You’ll discover when you grab a copy of Clickbank Superstar…
Here you go:
Full Step-By-Step walkthrough videos that show you how to get listed on ClickBank and start making sales in the fastest time possible
Advanced tutorials that show how to get the most from ClickBank including using coupons, paying 100% commissions and setting up JV contracts
Detailed checklists that you can refer to so nothing is overlooked
All of the legal requirements that you need to add to your pages to become compliant
All of the coding required to activate one-click upsells and other features
Plus Much Much More
It’s been created by John Thornhill, and his timing couldn’t be better.
Make sure yours is too by taking advantage of the launch price today.
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Subject: The Duct Tape Isn’t Working!
Straight to the point today.
With all the Paypal closures and folks trying to ensure they don’t get their accounts closed, We’ve been seeing all sorts of suggestions.
Ask to be put on delayed commissions, Use a wallet, Add a Veem account and draw to your bank, among others.
But then the next day – I’ve had my Veem account closed as it’s against their terms to be an affiliate, I was closed due to the wording on a vendors page, Closed due to violating terms, etc. etc.
The list goes on!
Folks seem to be trying to ‘Patch together’ solutions, like ‘wrapping Duct Tape’ around everything and hoping it all holds together!
They could just try a platform that doesn’t require you to have a PayPal account.
One that pays directly into your bank!
That Checks and Approves products to ensure compliance.
I’m talking about ClickBank.
Which is a very familiar name to experienced marketers, but may not be as well know with those who’ve only been around a few years.
Long story short.
Rather than keep trying to add More Duct Tape that doesn’t seem to be working, John Thornhill asked why people weren’t using ClickBank?
And the most popular answer was “They Didn’t Know How!”
So he created the easiest step by step video on adding products to ClickBank and getting them approved that anyone has yet to see.
It’s called ClickBank Superstar
And in it, he gives you everything you need to know so you too, Can STOP with the Duct Tape!
And instead, go to a platform that risks NOTHING.
If you sell info products online, (or would like to), and want to do so without risking your PayPal account, I’d suggest taking a look at the benefits on this page:
Especially while the price is this low.
Your choice – a few more rolls of Ineffective Duct Tape or a step by step guide to one of the BIGGEST Affiliate networks on the planet.
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Subject: FINAL CALL For ClickBank Superstar
Just a quick final reminder email about ClickBank Superstar.
No hype, No best thing since sliced bread!
Just a straight forward step by step guide to adding and being approved to sell on ClickBank.
So that A – You can be paid directly your bank, with no taxes hassle, affiliate payments or messing about, it’s all handled for you.
AND – Your affiliate can promote your ClickBank products KNOWING They WILL be paid by ClickBank, DIRECT into their bank accounts, with no risk to their PayPal accounts!
But Hey – Your Customers can still use PayPal IF They wish – with no risk to anyone!
Do we need more reasons to grab this?
But do take action, I can’t keep reminding you to do what’s best for your business 😉
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